Carlos Luis

May 15, 20162 min

Book Review: 'And the Heart Died' by Aseem Srivastava

Title: And The Heart Died

Author: Aseem Srivastava

Genre: Fiction

Publishers: Leadstart Corporation

Price: Rs. 195/-

And again it is a love story which you can clearly guess looking at the cover page. Nevertheless this novel is a debut book of the author Aseem Srivastava. The novel grips one with the themes that the author discusses not just through the various contexts but also through the characters that the author has sketched for us to admire. To know more about them fetch the book yourself.

As i said the author has well developed the characters, his style of writing can be matched with great and famous personalities but I refrain from doing so because you have the freedom to flaunt your imagination.

The author has dealt with the following themes: Relationships, Relation not just of blood but otherwise, Path of Truth, Sin and Punishment, Jealousy, Money not being the criteria for one’s happiness, the idea that Good Samaritans still exist.

So the book is a collage of humor, portrayal of selfless and unconditional love and lots more that elevates your heart. I had a pleasing journey with my emotions been struck along the way so much so that i felt my heart died. but I came alive because i wanted this story to be told.

‘And the heart died’ leaves your heart immortal.

Enjoy reading it!!!!

Life is very fragile and vulnerable to the end just as the rain that can stop any moment. Every breath we take has the potential to be our last; every heartbeat can be the last beat we feel. Just a single blow, a fraction of second can crush your life along with the saved dreams and future.

Nature tests Ashwani and Suman in the form of the cloudburst incident at Kedarnath. People show their ugliest version when fear of death alarms them. Both of them are trapped with four other people in the ugliest scenario possible. Will they fall for each other’s ugliest version? Will they be strong enough to fight nature and survive?
